Tania sells her two cycles at the rate of $9 hundreds each. On one cycle she gains 8% while on other cycle she incurs a loss of 8%. Find her total loss/gain in the whole transaction.
One of the diagonal of following polygon is 20 cm long, and length of perpendiculars dropped on diagonal are 6, 14 cm and 10 cm. Find the area of polygon.
An item was bought at $x and sold at $y, thereby earning a profit of 20%. Had the value of x been 15% less and the value of y been $56 less, a profit of 40% would have been earned. What was the value of x?
Divide $1354 between A and B, so that the amount of A after 7 years is equal to the amount of B after 9 years, the interest being compounded at 8% per annum.
The letters of the word MATHEMATICS are rearranged in a random order. What is the probability that the letters H and S have exactly 3 letters between them?
Sergio and Armando start from the same point. Sergio walks 8 km in North direction, then turn right and walks for 6 km. Armando walks 6 km in East direction, and turn right and walks for 6 km. Find the distance between Sergio and Armando now.